This is a place for family and friends to keep up with what's happening with Brandon and our family as a whole. I've been meaning to get this done for years now, I even created a Caring Bridge Page after B was born, and I just haven't had the time or energy to get it going or to maintain it. Let's see if I can keep this up! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012
B's first encounter with rejection...
So there's been a lot going on these past few months... I got a call from B's transplant team saying that they had done a test (DSA- Donor Specific Antibody) and he had a high number of nonspecific donor antibodies and they needed to repeat the test ASAP and were overnighting a kit to me. As soon as I got the kit I accessed his port, drew the blood, mailed it off and began the waiting process. I FINALLY got a call about the results only to find out that the test showed interference. Which usually only shows up in patients that have had IViG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin), which he had before transplant, so I don't know if that counts or not. So we started the whole process over. The team told me they'd tell me the next results in person at clinic. I called and told them that it wasn't fair to make me wait any longer and that I'm going crazy not knowing. The next day his Transplant Coordinator called me to tell me that his numbers were up significantly and that we had to do the test again and that they were overnighting me yet ANOTHER DSA kit! She rescheduled our clinic appt from today to the following Thursday and said that if his numbers are up again that he has to have IViG again (which he has to have IV Benadryl for and he has a reaction to it causing SEVERE aggitation) and we'll discuss the plan of attack from there to stop tue rejection. We were told that after the first 2 years post transplant that biopsies only happen of there's signs of rejection, so I'm 99% sure that biopsy is in our near future, which means that he has to lay absolutely FLAT and still for 8 hours after and be on bed rest for a few days so that he doesn't bleed out. I'm going to push for biopsy regardless... I drew his monthly labs today and sent the DSA kit off so we should hear something by Thursday at the latest I hope. I can't handle this waiting game any longer! Plus, he was so good at taking his meds and now he doesn't want to, he doesn't even want me to push them in his G-tube or put him on his overnight feed. He's lost weight, so I'm trying my hardest to fatten him up! I'll keep everyone posted on the results...
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